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1 Jul 2022
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Summertime in Riviera Maya is a magical season when guests can witness one of the most unique natural phenomena. Every year hundreds of sea turtles return to the shores of Akumal and lay thousands of eggs that will continue this beautiful cycle. Starting as early as May, the momma turtle will start nesting and three months later hundreds of tiny hatchlings will emerge. 

Throughout all of the coast, the are a variety of conservation efforts protecting these species but none is so well known as Akumal. Local environmental groups such as The Akumal Ecological Center (CEA) have been working for years to ensure these gentle creatures are allowed to continue nesting in their beloved birthplace. Marine biologists and technicians work alongside local teams and businesses allowing sea turtles to prosper while still being one of the most popular tourist destinations. 

Top 5 Places To See Sea Turtles Nesting and Hatching

5. Half Moon Bay

4. Akumal Bay

3. Jade Bay

2. South Akumal 

1. Aventuras Akumal

Visitors staying in any of Akumal’s 5 major bays can attest to the majestic beauty of this cycle from their very own vacation rental. From Half Moon Bay to Aventuras Akumal, guests can find markers scattered all through the beach denoting where momma turtles have nested. Of course, guests are given instructions on how to observe and enjoy this event without interrupting the course of nature. 

IMPORTANT: Sea Turtles are protected by Mexican laws such as NOM-059 of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the institution in charge of environmental protection and sustainable development in our country. 

Please respect conservation tips and guidelines when observing sea turtles nesting and hatching. Find more information and details about which vacation rentals are the best to observe sea turtles in Akumal with us.  Contact our team of local experts and we’ll gladly provide the information you need for your upcoming trip to Akumal.