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Experience the thrill as you drive through the lush Mayan jungle on an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), exploring hidden gaps and discovering the natural wonders that surround you. Immerse yourself in the beauty of a mesmerizing cenote, where stunning stalagmites and stalactites reflect in the crystal clear waters, creating the perfect backdrop for capturing memorable selfies.
Not only will you have a blast, but you'll also learn about the importance of preserving the environment and the significance of fauna.
Get up close and personal with unique animals through direct educational interactions. Begin your journey with two friendly herbivores, the African dwarf goats and European deer. Then, explore the world of colorful parrots and macaws, deepening your understanding of these beautiful birds. Delve into the realm of non-poisonous snakes, raising awareness about their importance in the ecosystem. Finally, experience a special connection with New World primates, including black-faced capuchin monkeys, white-faced capuchin monkeys, and squirrel monkeys.

• Transportation (15 usd pp)
• guide
• 14 km ATV route
• swim in cenote.
Pick up 9.30 am, 1.30 pm. Tour time 4 hours.

• Single ATV: $100 USD with monkey interaction add $34
• Double ATV: $160 USD with monkey interaction add $68
Collision insurance: $13USD p/quad mandatory.
Available Everyday

• Minimum age required 5 years.
• Minimum age required for driving ATV 16 years with official ID.

To book, click here.