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Embark on an exciting and educational adventure surrounded by lush vegetation. Discover the significance of fauna in environmental preservation as you explore this sanctuary. A knowledgeable guide will accompany you, sharing insights and stories about the various animal species, many of which have been rescued from poachers.
Engage in direct educational interactions with unique animals, fostering a special connection. Begin by bonding with friendly African dwarf goats and graceful European deer, both herbivores. Continue your educational journey by interacting with a variety of parrots and macaws, fascinating birds with vibrant plumage.
Next, deepen your understanding of non-poisonous snakes and their ecological importance. Finally, experience a captivating encounter with New World primates, including black-faced capuchin monkeys, white-faced capuchin monkeys, and squirrel monkeys.
Immerse yourself in this unforgettable experience, where learning meets enjoyment, and forge a deeper appreciation for the diversity and significance of these incredible animals.

Transportation ($10 usd pp), guide, entrance fees.
Pick up 9.30 am, 11.30 am, 12.30 pm and 1 pm. Tour time 2 hours.

$65 USD per adult and $45 per kid (4 to 11 yo)
Available Everyday

To Book, click here.